Logistics issues are an integral part of any business. Delivery of raw materials, shipment of goods to the buyer, purchase of equipment, related products – these issues can be solved independently, using internal human and technical resources, or you can turn to a professional carrier, entrusting him with all stages of cargo transportation from Poland. This EU country is Ukraine’s closest neighbor and strategic economic partner. After the outbreak of a full-scale war it was Poland that became the main transit region through which goods from other European countries, as well as from Asia, the Caucasus, Africa, etc. are delivered to Ukraine. Especially popular is the delivery of goods from Poland to Ukraine by rail. This is due to the high reliability of routes, the branching of railroads. In addition, the delivery of goods from Poland by train goes in strict accordance with the schedule, the cargo “does not stand” in traffic jams, as it happens during road transportation from Poland to Ukraine, which allows you to predict with high accuracy the time of transportation.

There is another important factor that explains why transportation of cargo from Poland to Ukraine by train is in constant demand. This is an economic component. The price of the service is the most important criterion for any company, as the profitability of the entire business depends on it. And rail freight transportation from Poland wins over other methods of delivery – the price per 1 ton in this case is the most favorable.

Other advantages of railroad freight delivery from Poland to Ukraine

In addition to a favorable price that allows you to deliver cargo from Poland to Ukraine inexpensively, and a strict schedule of movement of the train there are other advantages of rail freight transportation. Among them:

  • Versatility. It is possible to deliver cargo from Poland of any nature and volume. It can be bulk cargoes that do not require packaging (minerals, agricultural products, building materials), assembled and containerized, as well as general cargoes on pallets, in tanks, on platforms.
  • Environmental friendliness. Transportation of cargo from Poland by train has less negative impact on the environment than delivery by automobile. For some cargo owners this is important.
  • Zero impact of meteorological factors. Trains move in any weather, at sub-zero temperatures, in rain and snowfall, as a rule, without changing the schedule. Other modes of transportation depend on weather conditions.
Features of cargo delivery from Poland by train

The first thing to consider when choosing a rail method of transportation is the need to deliver the cargo from the point of its location to the cargo terminal for loading onto rail cars. These are also selected based on the nature and volume of the shipment of raw materials or goods. It is also important when planning the time of delivery to take into account that the transportation of goods from Poland to Ukraine by rail is complicated by different gauge – in Europe and Ukraine different distance between the rails, so there are special terminals at the border, which are used to reload containers and goods on pallets or change the wheel sets on the wagons. This process takes time, which is necessarily taken into account when determining the delivery time. In addition, the cargo moves through the territory of two countries, so the accompanying documents for it must fully comply with the legislative norms of Ukraine, Poland and the unified laws of the EU. The cargo undergoes customs legalization, it is necessary to pay the duty. All these nuances of cargo transportation from Poland to Ukraine require careful logistical preparation.

In order not to face cargo delay, its arrest or re-export, it is better to entrust cargo transportation to a professional team, which will take care of all issues. An experienced trucking company, such as Fahrwest Logistics, provides turnkey services. This means that the company takes care of the project at all stages – from preparation of documents and selection of wagons, to loading, control on the way and unloading at the destination point. The customer does not have to deal with these issues and can concentrate on business development.

Rail transportation from Poland with Fahrwest Logistics

Experienced and reliable trucking company Fahrwest Logistics offers turnkey services for cargo transportation from Poland to Ukraine. We have a staff of specialists who solve all logistic issues quickly and professionally. For each contract we practice an individual approach to offer the client the most favorable financial conditions and short delivery time. You can contact us by phone or order a callback to learn more about the benefits of cooperation and discuss the details. We will be glad to help you.